(FILES) A picture taken 13 May 2001 shows the world’s largest offshore windmill farm, Middelgrunden Windmill Farm, is located in the Oeresund, three km from Copenhagen harbour. This farm has 20 2MW windmills, which altogether produce enough electricity to cover 3% of Copenhagen’s power consumption. The windmill farm is at the same time a unique partnership between private initiative and public authority. The windmills are co-owned, with half of them owned by about 8,500 co-operative members, and the other half by the City of Copenhagen through the company, Copenhagen Energy. The Kyoto Protocol, the landmark treaty requiring cuts in gas emissions which cause global warming, took effect 16 February 2005 with the support of 141 nations but a boycott by the biggest polluter the United States.AFP PHOTO FILES SCANPIX

Å flytte vindmøller til havs kan vere svaret på eit støyproblem. Biletet viser verdas største offshore vindmøllepark, som ligg i Øresund. Her produserer 20 møller nok elektrisitet til å dekkje 3 prosent av københavnernes forbruk. Foto: B. Tornvig/Scanpix